Nice Git Tutorial

less than 1 minute read

I have been reading a lot of articles lately on the benefits of using decentralized source control management (also known as Decentralized Version Control Systems, DVCS) and thought I’d start to learn how to use one. I am already familiar with Subversion as I have been using it to keep track of all my school work.  Anyhow, after having researched a few of the available DVCS, I’ve decided to learn how to use GIT. So far, I gotta admit it’s a bit of challenge to get a good grasp of Git as there are some differences when compared to Subversion that I am having a bit of problem understanding.

Anyhow, I was able to find  this tutorial that is really helping me out!  It’s a bit long (about an 1 hour and 21 minutes) but it’s quite informative!  Check it out if you want to learn about Git!


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